Thursday, 15 December 2016

Thursday's assignment

What people say versus what they mean is actually a very interesting and tricky topic at the same time.
Read some on that topic here, this one, and that link too. Then, follow these tasks.
Task one:
Pick out at least five expressions from these ones that someone has said to you or to anyone you know or you said it to somebody and they (or you) have misinterpreted them and write them down. Write down what you or the people really meant at that time.
Task two:
Click on this link and record yourself describing just one situation that you have had that someone, or yourself, said something and what you or them actually meant; share the situation, what, and why that misunderstanding happened.

Friday, 9 December 2016

Friday's assignment

Do actions speak louder than words?

We have been talking about that, and now it is your turn to write something about it.Think of a person in your social network; it can be a family member, friend, colleague, and or someone else, and write a 250-word letter to him/her explaining your understanding of the saying Actions speak louder than words. Give a reason(s) why you chose this person to tell him/her that; remember to add an example to clarify your opinion. 

Thursday, 8 December 2016

Trips for your families :)

Visit to Ontario Science Centre
A Special Gift for Newcomers Families!

 Price: Adults $ 2.00
Free to children (under 18) and seniors
Date: Wednesday, January 4th, 2016 
Time: 11:00 Am – 3:00 pm 
For registration please call:

Address:        770 Don Mills Rd, North York, ON

Newcomer Family ROM trip   

o   January 8, Sunday from 11:00-4:00 pm   
o   For newcomer family only
o   Have fun and make friends
For registration please call:


Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Wednesday's assignment

Projecting a professional image on the job

Task 1:

In order for us to come across as professionals, we need to project this mage. Click on this link for the Dos and the Don’ts. Write one sentence on each Do and Don’t you have read about.

Task 2:

Watch this video and write down the main idea(s), suggestions, and strategies the presenter wanted to offer.

Task 3:

Compare the reading and the video together; write down the similarities and the differences between them. Ask two of your peers on their findings and again compare them to yours. 

Thursday, 1 December 2016

Thursday's assignment

Good morning everybody,

Yesterday, we talked about domestic violence and violence against women. Today, I want you to think about violence and harassment in workplace. Skim through this link and then answer the following tasks.

Task 1:
Think of a definition of violence in workplace. Does violence occur in workplace? Does it always have to be from your boss? How can you describe it? How does it happen? Why do you think it happen?

Task 2:
List four or more things, actions, attitude, or behaviours that can be considered violence at workplace.

Task 3:
What is/are the best action(s) in your opinion to deal with that kind of violence or harassment?

Task 4:
If you were to advise a friend or a family member who has just joined new workplace or school to be aware of violence at workplace, what would you say to him or to her?

Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Our Christmas Decoration

Thanks for all of you who contributed in our class decoration. It is lovely because of your efforts. Great teamwork folks!

Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Tuesday's assignment

                                                          Myth or fact
The idea that cold weather causes a cold or flu is a common myth. Many people believe it, but it is not in fact true. Write a short email to a friend or a family member telling him/her other examples of common beliefs about health that have been proven to be untrue.
Ask one of your peers to check your writing before publishing.