Monday 14 September 2015

Monday's Assignment

Good afternoon everyone,

We are still talking about telephone techniques, and here is more practice on how to make or cancel an appointment.

Task 1:

 Listen to the following telephone calls to make and cancel appointments. As you listen, fill in the blanks. Then practise each dialogue with a partner.

Conversation 1

Clinic: Dundas Medical Clinic. Can you for a................ ?
Patient: Yes.
Clinic: How can I help you?
Patient: I’d like to appointment to Dr. ................
Clinic: ................... The next .....................appointment is Friday at ...................a.m.
Patient: Oh, I’m sorry, I ......................then. Are there any the afternoon on ?
Clinic: ....................... Yes, you can ............................him at 3:30 p.m.
Patient:  .......................thank you.
Clinic: May I have your chart number please?
Patient: Yes, it’s ..........................
Clinic: Your name is Michael Hayes?
Patient: Yes. Okay, ........................Friday, ......................., at 3:30 p.m..
Clinic: Yes.
Patient: Thank you. Bye.
Clinic: Bye.

Conversation 2

Garage: Reliable Auto Service. Can I help you?
Client: Yes, I was ................if I ............. bring my car in this morning for an .........................
Garage: No,’s not possible ............................ We’re really busy.
Client: Okay, ............tomorrow morning?
Garage: Yes, ..............
Client: ............................?
Garage: ................. May I have your name, please?
Client: Yes, it’s Eric Cooper.
Garage: Okay, ...............................
Client: Thank you. .................... Bye.

Conversation 3

Salon: Good morning, Kelly’s Hair Salon. ...............................?
Customer: Oh, hello. I have an appointment to get my hair cut today at 4:00 p.m. but I’m something’s .................................and I have to cancel it.
Salon: May I have your name, please?
Customer: Yes, it’s Kim Sora – S-O-R-A.
Salon: Okay, .................. Would you like to .........................another appointment?
Customer: ...................... , not right now. I’ll call back to ...................... Thank you.
Salon: You’re welcome. Bye.
Customer: Bye.

Task 2 

Refer to the telephone dialogues to fill in the chart with specific expressions used to:

Request an Appointment
Offer an Appointment

Accept an Appointment/Confirm an Appointment
Decline an Offered Appointment

Cancel an Appointment

Answers for task 2:

Request an Appointment
Offer an Appointment
·        I’d like to make an appointment.
·        Does he have any openings on/at …
·        I was wondering if I could bring my car in
·        this morning …
·         I was wondering if I could reschedule.
·        What about tomorrow morning?
·        How about Wednesday the 21st at 9:15 a.m.?
·        The next available appointment is …
·        You can see him at 3:30 p.m.
Accept an Appointment/Confirm an Appointment
Decline an Offered Appointment
·        That’s great. Thank you.
·        So that’s Friday, June 8 at 3:30 p.m.
·        Tomorrow is fine.
·         Okay, 9:30 a.m. tomorrow.
·        I’m sorry, I can’t make it then.
·        I’m afraid it’s not possible this morning.
·        I’ll call back to reschedule.
·         No, I’m not available on the 21st.
Cancel an Appointment
·        I’m afraid something’s come up and I have to cancel.
·        I’m afraid something’s come up and I have to reschedule.
·        Would you like to book another appointment?

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