Tuesday 6 May 2014

Tuesday's Assignment:

Task 1: Click on this link, listen to the video few times, then use all the words/idioms in bold in a paragraph of your own or create an A/B dialogue with your partner using the same ones as well.

Task 2: Listen to this audio, then answer the following questions:

A- Look up the meaning of the following words:
nagging pain
routine tests
to refer
to diagnose
second opinion
to relieve
going under the knife


1. Simon went to see the specialist because:
a) he didn’t trust his GP
b) he was referred to the specialist by his doctor
c) he wanted to get a second opinion.

2. After seeing the specialist, Simon plans to:
a) talk to another specialist
b) get surgery
c) never see another doctor


  1. Long time pain
    Usual exam
    Expert in especial field
    General practitioner
    To Recognize
    Another way
    To do surgery
    1.b 2.a

  2. A
    nagging pain:it is a pain that bothering us for long time.
    routine tests:normal or regular tests that doctor runs many times.
    specialist:a doctor that from one particular area or in medicine such as pediatrician.
    GP:General Practitioner, the first and main doctor you have, but he doesn't know the problem just sent you to Specialist.
    to refer ; to tell someone that you should go someone else.
    to diagnose; to figer it out what wrong with you.
    second opinion; to ask for second opinion from different doctor to make sure that it is the really correct diagnose.
    to relieve; to lower.
    going under the knife; to have a operation, to have a surgery.

    1) B
    2) A

  3. How to Behave in a Party

    In a party people need to careful about behavior. Some people can't endure solemn situation. They likes to loosen up themselves and don't wants to stick in a mud. But sometimes people should careful to decorum, which is unseemly. Such a cracking a few jokes, indecent, cheapen things are huffy.

  4. Task 1
    How to behave properly in a formal ceremony.
    In this paragraph I give you a list of dos and don’ts when attending a formal occasion. First, if you are attending a solemn occasion like a ceremony, it’s very important to have sense of decorum and avoid any indecent behaviour. For example it’s not the kind of occasions that you can crack a few jokes. Second, don’t forget people attending such occasion take themselves too seriously, no time for levity. If you are kind of person who don’t like such occasions then you have to behave in a sense of decorum to endure the duration of this occasion. I am not saying to be like a stick in the mud. At the same time you don’t want to be disgrace. It’s very important not to cheapen the occasion by having no sense of dignity. Remember, if you want to lighten up, keep in mind how serious and formal such occasions are.

  5. Nagging pain:pain bother us for long time
    Routine tests:normal or regular test
    Specialist:someone who expert at particularly area or medicine
    GP:general practitioner
    To refer:to tell someone you should go to the specialist
    To diagnose:figure out what's wrong with you or what's the problem
    Second opinion:talk to someone else
    To relieve:to less pain
    Going under the knife:to have a surgery
    B-comprehension questions

  6. Task 2
    Nagging pain: it is a pain bothering up enough and for a long time so you need to go to see the doctor.
    Routine tests: normal or regular tests that doctors run many times for all patients like a blood test.
    Specialist: a doctor that is an expert of one particular area of medicine.
    GP: General Practitioner: doctor who’s not specialist, he or she is generalist usually the first and main doctor or primary physician who will send you to a specialist.
    To refer: means to tell someone that they should go to see someone else.
    To diagnose: to figure out what’s wrong with the patient who is sick or seeing the doctor.
    Second opinion: to talk to someone else.
    To relieve: to lessen or lower your pain.
    Going under the knife: to have an operation or a surgery.
    1. B
    2. A

  7. nagging pain:pain bothering us for long time.
    routine tests: normal regular test.
    specialist: expert in special field.
    GP:general practitioner.
    to refer:to tell some one to see another one.
    to diagnose: to figer out whats wrong with......
    second opinion:another way .
    to relieve:to lower.
    going under the knife:to have surgery B ) 1-b 2-a.

  8. A: Hi, Good morning. Can I help you?
    B: Good morning. My car’s ABS light stays on from last week, I don’ t know why.
    A: Ok, first, I need to diagnose it to find the problem, then If you want, I can fix it for you.
    B: Thanks.
    A: Oh, I find the problem.
    B: What’s that?
    A: There is a small ring broken. I think it needs to be replaced now.
    B: is it easy?
    A: Sure, you do not need a specialist, just joking.
    B: Thanks
    A: My second opinion that you can go to your dealer. But anyway, you’d better do a routine tests every.
    B: Thanks very much. Please help me fix it.
    A: No problem, just 20 minutes.

  9. Iris: Please behave yourself! This is class and solemn occasion, not a time for levity.
    Hisham: Loosen up. We have to endure almost three hours to of leaning English. It is so boring.
    Iris: You always talk about your “wives” in the class. Don’t you have any sense of decorum?
    Hisham: Lighten up. You are such a stick-in-the-mud. There is nothing unseemly about cracking a few jokes when everybody here is taking themselves too seriously.
    Iris: Your problem is that you have no sense of dignity. Don’t you realize that your stupid joke just cheapen yourself and your currently wife?
    Hisham: Don’t get all huffy. All right, if you won’t join in, I’ll try to change the topic.
    Iris: That’s better.
    Hisham: I would seriously like a drink. How about make a massage for me when the coffee break.
    Iris: Come on. If you don’t mind naked and laid on the desk in front of our classmate. It is doesn't matter a deeply pressure massage service for you.

  10. Culture Shock
    Actually I don’t have culture shock when I have been to Canada. My husband told me this is the place just good for living. Toronto is a quite city. I did not put much expectation here. I clearly know about what kind of benefit I can get here, which is good education for kinds, fresh air to breath, save food to eat. That’s all, that’s enough for our live. Sometime I miss my friends and relative in China. But I know that is just temporary situation for me.

  11. 1.The following is to explain the following words:
    nagging pain: pain that bother us long time
    routine tests: normal tests
    specialist: usually a doctor that is an expert in one particular area of medicine
    GP: general practitioner
    to refer: to tell someone to do sth, to recommand
    to diagnose: to figure out what is wrong with you
    second opinion: another recommand from another doctor
    to relieve: to less
    going under the knife: having an operation

    2.The following is my choices to part B:
    B, A

  12. Last time my family attended a concert. But my son always played her iPod and make more noise in the concert. I could not endure this situating.
    So I said “Behave yourself! This is a serious and solemn occasion, not any way for levity. You should Loosen up and watch the performance carefully”.
    But you know, she only keep quiet just a minute, and she would do another things again. “Oh, I do not want you to think me a stick-in-the- mud. But it’s indecent the way you’re behaving. Don’t you have any sense of decorum? You’re a disgrace.” I said.
    My son said “OK, don’t get all huffy. All right, if you won’t like it, I’ll try to be serious. I mean I would seriously learn how to seem be a listener! ”.
    I said “That’s better.”

    nagging pain: the continuous pain that you cannot remove it.
    routine tests: regular tests.
    specialist: an expert.
    GP: general practitioner
    to refer: If a person who is ill is referred to a hospital or a specialist, they are sent there by a doctor in order to be treated.
    to diagnose: If someone or something is diagnosed as having a particular illness or problem, their illness or problem is identified. If an illness or problem is diagnosed, it is identified.
    second opinion: If you get a second opinion, you ask another qualified person for their opinion about something such as your health.
    to relieve: If something relieves an unpleasant feeling or situation, it makes it less unpleasant or causes it to disappear completely.
    going under the knife: to have an operation.

    1. Simon went to see the specialist because: A: b) he was referred to the specialist by his doctor

    2. After seeing the specialist, Simon plans to: A: a) talk to another specialist
