Monday, 13 April 2015

Monday's Assignment

Culture Shock

What were your first 36 hours like in Canada? What differences did you notice between the culture here and the one you left? How did they make you feel?

I. Watch the following video clip and identify five things that make for culture shock.

Task 1:

Write down five significant differences between cultures in the video. Discuss your list with a partner.

Task 2:

Read this article and focus on its list of stages of culture shock. Write short answers to the following questions:
  1. List the five stages proposed for culture shock.
  2. In what ways do you agree with the author?
  3. In what ways do you disagree?
  4. How does your experience compare with the author's five stages?
  5. At which stage would you place yourself?
  6. What factors helped move the author from one stage to the next?
  7. What factors have helped you move from one stage to the next?
Task 3:

Write an email to a friend here advising him/her on how to move on from Stage Two to Stage Three. List all the suggestions or recommendation you can propose to them. 

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