Thursday 20 August 2015

Thursday's Assignment


Task 1:

The following expressions and idioms relate to participating in a meeting. Guess or look up their meanings and complete the sentences below with the appropriate one.

get to the point
talk it over
(talk) off the top of my head
get together
have a say
(can’t) get a word in edgewise

1. The supervisor wants us to ............................. for a short meeting.
2. I think she will present a new policy and we will .....................................
3. Marianna talks a lot! During our last meeting nobody could ................... .
4. It’s hard for me to ...................... I need time to think before I respond.
5. I don’t need a long detailed explanation. Could you please just ............................
6. I'm glad we are having this meeting. This way everyone in the department can ..............................

Task 2:

Read the scenario. Then use the sentences to write opinions for or against the proposal described in the scenario. Use appropriate logical connectors. The first one is done for you.
Scenario: You are attending a community meeting to discuss a proposal to build three high-rise apartment buildings (30 stories each) in your neighbourhood. Residents are divided. Many are opposed to the proposal because they feel high-rise apartments will increase traffic congestion and crime. Others feel it will attract small businesses and bring valuable development to the area.

Logical Connectors:

• for example
• even though
• also
• therefore
• however
• although
• since
• but
• such as
• because
•despite the fact that
• furthermore

1. There are already too many high-rise apartment buildings in this area.
We need more rental housing; however there are already too many high-rise apartment buildings.
2. High-rise apartments increase traffic congestion.
3. There is not enough affordable housing in this neighbourhood.
4. A higher population could lead to increased crime in our neighbourhood.
5. Having more people in the area will help small businesses.

Task 3:

Use these expressions together with the logical connectors and then put them in sentences from your own. Ask one or two of your peers to edit them for you.

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