Monday 15 June 2015

Monday's Assignment

Good morning everyone,

Debating is an important skill that we need to practice. It helps our critical thinking, speaking, listening, and negotiation skills. Below is the topic that we need to debate on, read it, research for some points to support your side, and then use the expressions and transitions below to help you paraphrase your thoughts.

Topic is ‘’Is gender role important in our today’s life?”

 Useful Expressions and Transitions for Debating

Agreeing and Disagreeing
•That doesn’t take away from the fact that... 
•That’s beside the point.
•With all due respect...
•I agree with you there.
•I agree with ---- (name).
•I see your point, but...
•That may be true, but...
•We’re going to have to agree to disagree. 
•I get/see where you’re coming from, but... 
•I’m afraid I disagree entirely.
•I’m afraid I’d have to disagree. 
•I agree to some extent, but...
•I disagree with you there. 
•Pardon me for disagreeing, but …

Interrupting/Asking to Contribute
•I hate to interrupt, but...
•If I may come in here...
•I’d like to add something.
•Would you like to contribute something? 
•I’d like to raise a point.
•If I could speak for a moment... 
•I’d like to cut in here.
•You haven’t answered my question.

•Can you see where I’m coming from?
•I challenge you to give this a try/chance. 
•I want you to see it my way.
•Put yourself in my shoes.
•Am I getting through to you?

Expressing an Opinion
•In my honest opinion... 
•It is my belief that... 
•From my experience... 
•From where I look at it... 
•From my point of view…

•Let’s be clear here...
•I think you misunderstood what I said. What I said was... (repeat a point that was misunderstood or confused)
•What I meant to say was... (rephrase something in a way that is clearer)
•In other words...
•What I was trying to say before I was interrupted is that…

•So let me get this straight, you think... 
•To conclude...
•I’d just like to summarize by saying... 
•Finally, I’d like to reiterate that...
•It’s time to take stock of what we’ve heard today. 
•Both sides have some valid points.
•The stronger argument/team today is...

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